Funny Trump Pulling Strings From His Nose

Who is pulling the Strings?

As the title says, who is really pulling the Strings in this Administration and telling Trump what to say regarding policies and world events. We all know that Trump is no world scholar, has a limited vocabulary and doesn't read too much. Who is feeding him his info to attempt to fulfill some agenda, Moscow Mitch, the Kock Brothers, Putin, Steve alien Miller, Jared? The only original ideas Trump has is his insulting tweets on twitter. Who is behind this?

(08-20-2019, 06:55 AM)BakertheBeast Wrote: As the title says, who is really pulling the Strings in this Administration and telling Trump what to say regarding policies and world events. We all know that Trump is no world scholar, has a limited vocabulary and doesn't read too much. Who is feeding him his info to attempt to fulfill some agenda, Moscow Mitch, the Kock Brothers, Putin, Steve alien Miller, Jared? The only original ideas Trump has is his insulting tweets on twitter. Who is behind this?

I believe Trump has a set world view.  Like someone's grandfather.  Nothing new will ever change his mind.  He doesn't read.  He is convinced his "success" is solely because of his own "smarts" and "instincts" so no one can TELL DJT what to do or say.

Say with the economy.  A "man" who has failed in virtually every business he ever started on his own is CONVINCED he knows more than everyone who disagrees with him.  Everyone.

But what someone CAN do (and has done) is convince him that an idea was HIS idea.  Praise him, tell him how smart he is, and tell him that not only are Mexicans rapists but they are all gang members and we need to stop the invasion.  In the vast empty space that is Trump's skull he will simply echo those talking points because they already fit in to what he thought before and so they must be "right".

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47kvz7l0373ztozel7qg...y.gif&ct=g]

Well, it used to be Douglas Coe now that he's dead his successor.

The same organization that has been pulling the strings since 1100 AD...The Templar.

"Inside every Cynical Person is a disappointed Idealist." -George Carlin

(08-20-2019, 06:55 AM)BakertheBeast Wrote: As the title says, who is really pulling the Strings in this Administration and telling Trump what to say regarding policies and world events. We all know that Trump is no world scholar, has a limited vocabulary and doesn't read too much. Who is feeding him his info to attempt to fulfill some agenda, Moscow Mitch, the Kock Brothers, Putin, Steve alien Miller, Jared? The only original ideas Trump has is his insulting tweets on twitter. Who is behind this?

I think Trump has a broad idea of what he thinks is right and has little concern with the details. For the most part, big picture is what he stubbornly believes. He allows trusted people to fill in the dots (like Stephen Miller) and happily outsources things like judicial nominees to groups like the Federalist Society.

In terms of what may influence his big picture beliefs, I think Fox and Friends and Sean Hannity probably have the most direct influence in reaffirming his world view or adding to it.

[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Everything Trump does defies conventional and political wisdom so I don't think anyone is behind him. I think he just says what he feels and occasionally backs off if he gets too much push back from some of his advisors.

[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]

(08-20-2019, 08:00 PM)6andcounting Wrote: Everything Trump does defies conventional and political wisdom so I don't think anyone is behind him. I think he just says what he feels and occasionally backs off if he gets too much push back from some of his advisors.

He is purely driven by a desire to be liked.  That's it.  Daddy didn't hug him enough so he wants to be loved.

So he says whatever he thinks will make people cheer for him.  He care more about "ratings" and "clicks" than actually doing anything for the good of America.

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47kvz7l0373ztozel7qg...y.gif&ct=g]

At this point there may be nothing in Trump's skull to attach strings to:

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47kvz7l0373ztozel7qg...y.gif&ct=g]

(08-20-2019, 05:02 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I think Trump has a broad idea of what he thinks is right and has little concern with the details. For the most part, big picture is what he stubbornly believes. He allows trusted people to fill in the dots (like Stephen Miller) and happily outsources things like judicial nominees to groups like the Federalist Society.

In terms of what may influence his big picture beliefs, I think Fox and Friends and Sean Hannity probably have the most direct influence in reaffirming his world view or adding to it.

Yes. ThumbsUp

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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(08-20-2019, 01:30 PM)Synric Wrote: The same organization that has been pulling the strings since 1100 AD...The Templar.

This is a total lie spread by the Illuminati.

It is the Freemasons who constitute the shadowy new world order.

From behind the scenes, they control both Trump and ISIS.

Their goal is a one-world socialist government founded on Sharia law.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(08-20-2019, 09:17 PM)GMDino Wrote: At this point there may be nothing in Trump's skull to attach strings to:

Peace with North Korea, but we invade Greenland for their ice. Big dick Presidential energy right there.

[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]

(08-21-2019, 06:16 PM)6andcounting Wrote: Peace with North Korea, but we invade Greenland for their ice. Big dick Presidential energy right there.

1/2 right.

(It ain't the second half.) Mellow

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47kvz7l0373ztozel7qg...y.gif&ct=g]

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[Image: 696pbs.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

I'm assuming Trump has daily meetings with his staff, at least what is left of it. Probably Steve "the creative from the black lagoon" Miller is the one giving him his daily talking points about what to comment on when he does his copter talks. Trump is too ignorant to think this stuff up on his own. There are people telling Miller what to tell Trump to talk about. Most of those Republicans in congress hate Trump's guts but suck his ass to hang onto power.

(08-23-2019, 06:46 AM)BakertheBeast Wrote: I'm assuming Trump has daily meetings with his staff, at least what is left of it. Probably Steve "the creative from the black lagoon" Miller is the one giving him his daily talking points about what to comment on when he does his copter talks. Trump is too ignorant to think this stuff up on his own. There are people telling Miller what to tell Trump to talk about. Most of those Republicans in congress hate Trump's guts but suck his ass to hang onto power.

"The creative from the black lagoon" is my new favorite quote from this board.

(08-23-2019, 11:21 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: "The creative from the black lagoon" is my new favorite quote from this board.

Yeah that was pretty good. Here is my favorite line from that post,

" Most of those Republicans in congress hate Trump's guts but suck his ass to hang onto power" ThumbsUp


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